Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Printing in the Library

Please be aware that the library offers three different printers for students and teachers to use.  These printers include two network printers, HHS_MC_CIR and HHS_MC_LAB.  We offer one wireless printer for printing from a tablet, smart phone, or laptop, HHS_LIBRARY_PUBLIC.  We also have one color printer, but you must have permission from your teacher to use this printer and a librarian will print it for you.

Your network login will have one printer set as the default.  Before you print, please double check to make sure that you are printing to the correct printer.  When printing to a network, always use “print preview” and know how many pages you are printing.  Many online articles include pages of comments or ads that are not needed.  Printing all this translates to an enormous amount of wasted paper and toner.  Lastly, if you need multiple copies, please print one copy and then get your teacher to make the copies on a school machine.  It is much more cost effective this way.

Please help us to be good stewards of the environment and our school resources and cut down on waste.  Before you click print, ask yourself the following questions:  Do I really need that print copy, or can I read it online?  How many pages am I printing?  Where am I printing?  And as always, if you have any concerns about what you are printing, ask your teacher or librarian for help.

Here is a link to instructions for installing network printers:

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